Review: Breads from Anna

Since starting my blog over a year ago, I have met so many wonderful people.  Some of those people have become friends.  One of those friends sent me a great surprise a week or so ago…a bread mix from Breads from Anna!  I couldn’t wait to make it! 


This mix was super easy to make.  I chose to make it in my Zojirushi Breadmaker.  I mixed all of the liquid ingredients together first, then I poured in the mix & sprinkled the yeast on top.  I hit “start” on my Zo and walked away.  3.5 hours later my house smelled like heaven! 


I let the bread cool down for 15 or so minutes and then I couldn’t take it any longer.  I sliced off a couple of pieces and made myself a turkey, Swiss, basil & spinach sandwich (topped with Sriracha, of course 😉 ). 


The bread was so flavorful and had an amazing texture.  I love the tastes of the different flours that are used: Montina & chickpea, navy bean & sorghum in addition to tapioca & cornstarch.  Each slice has 3 grams of fiber, pretty good for a gluten-free bread!  This bread mix is free of soy, rice & nuts, perfect for those with other allergens & intolerances in addition to gluten. 

If you are looking for a great gluten-free bread you should give Breads from Anna a try.    Breads from Anna has so many other mixes available, including a cranberry pancake mix that is calling my name!  YUM!!

Thanks again, Erin, you are so sweet.  I am really enjoying this bread. 🙂


7 Responses

  1. Yummy! The bread looks like it has a good texture too! How was it without toasting it? It is great to hear about the fiber content 😛


    • It was great without toasting! That being said, I keep it in the fridge, so I am toasting now. It is good both ways. Had some for lunch today as well. Jon also likes it a lot.

  2. I’m glad you liked it so much, Kim. This is still my favorite bread. I slice and freeze it after it cools down and it works great for making sandwiches on in the morning to eat at lunchtime – it still has great texture and taste and isn’t crumbly at all.

    You *have* to try Anna’s pumpkin bread mix too – it is just SO good!

    • Oooh…pumpkin bread! I am a big sucker for pumpkin bread! And, with the current shortage, a mix may be the way to go. 😉

  3. I have just found Breads from Anna locally, so I was able to try it again.
    This is the best GF bread I have found. I make it in an old DAK bread machine. It comes out fine, but I did have to reduce the liquid by a couple of tsp (maybe 1 TBS) and set the crust to darker or else I had a little gooey section near the top.
    After the loaf cools a bit, I put it in the freezer long enough to make it easy to slice. I slice it very thin since I find the flavor good but strong and don’t want to overpower my sandwich fillings. Then after slicing, I freeze the whole loaf and only take out what I need.
    It is also great toasted.
    I really wish this bread was made commercially so I could just buy when needed. Sometimes I forget that I’m running out.
    I resisted going completely GF because of a lack of good GF bread. But this solves the problem. I just wish the price wasn’t so high. It’s a lot of money for a loaf of bread!

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