Healthy Cookies?

Yes, that is right, I said “Healthy Cookies”.  🙂  I have taken a liking to 2 cookbooks that I recently checked out of the library.  The 2 books are Veganomicon, which I now own, and Eat, Drink & Be Vegan, which I am about to own.  😉  No, I am not vegan or even vegetarian, but I don’t eat meat daily.  I love veggie based dishes & find myself craving them.  I love all kinds of beans & lentils and all the different varieties out there. 

I happened upon this recipe for Super-Charge Me! Cookies and figured out that it would be very easy to modify to be gluten-free.  The changes that I made are:

Bob’s Red Mill GF Oats for the quick oats

Bob’s Red Mill Sorghum Flour for the spelt flour

Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil for the canola oil

The results were amazing!  These cookies are so addicting!  I am glad that they are healthy because I certainly don’t feel bad eating them for breakfast now!  😉  LOL! 



I did use raisins for my dried fruit & chocolate chips, too.  I might try nuts or maybe dried cherries, blueberries or chopped dried figs next time. 

Definitely a keeper of a recipe! 🙂  Even super picky Jon loved these!  One change he asked me to make…. leave out the raisins next time, though, because he prefers chocolate chips.  Umm…no!  LOL! 


Menu Plan ~ September 20, 2009

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Apples & pumpkins are my favorite fall fruits & veggies.  I also have a fondness for squash of all size & shape.  I am mourning my berries, peaches, plums & watermelon and moving forward.  I just bought my first couple Honeycrisp apples today!  YUM!!  I am so looking forward to eating these!  Honeycrisp Apples were developed at the University of Minnesota. Honeycrisp apple is a cross between Macoun apple and Honey Gold apples and is extraordinarily crisp and juicy with a wonderful aroma and flavor. 

Wendy at Celiacs in the House is hosting this week’s gluten-free menu swap.  Wendy’s choice ingredient of the week is pumpkins!  I could eat pumpkin every day of the week!  Here are some of my favorite pumpkin recipes:  Acorn squash with creamy pumpkin brown rice, pumpkin bread, chocolate pumpkin bread, pumpkin oatmeal, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin chocolate chip bars and pumpkin pie.  I think I will make some pumpkin bread this week! 😉  Speaking of pumpkin, did you know that Trader Joe’s has their pumpkin butter back on the shevles!?!?!  I definitely bought some the other day!  Major YUM!

Sunday ~ Leftovers (tacos, rotisserie chix, stir fry chix)

Monday ~ Salmon (broiled with Thai Chile Sauce), coconut brown rice, broccoli & salad

Tuesday ~ Cocoa-Coconut Chili (recipe to come later), salad & foccacia (Chebe) bread

Wednesday ~ Baked Ziti, green beans & salad

Thursday ~ Grilled BBQ chicken breast, roasted asparagus, sweet potato steak fries & salad

Friday~ Leftover BBQ chicken made into homemade BBQ chicken pizza, steamed veggies & salad

Saturday ~ Roasted veggies (eggplant, carrots, zucchini) over garbanzo beans and topped with Marinutta sauce

Baked Goods

Pumpkin Bread

New Bread Mix to review!

Some more gluten-free versions of the Super Charge Me cookies from Eat, Drink & Be Vegan


Don’t forget to check out Orgjunkie for lots more meal ideas. 


I hope you all have a great week!!