Product Review: Betty Crocker Gluten-Free Brownies


The other day I happened upon 3 of the 4 gluten-free Betty Crocker mixes.  Okay, so I didn’t “happen upon” them.  I have been actively seeking them out since I heard they were coming out!  LOL!  I made & reviewed the Chocolate Chip Cookies the other day and we love them!  I needed a dessert for Father’s Day dinner, so what better dessert to make than the Betty Crocker Gluten-free Brownies?  I have to say that I have a new favorite person and her name is Betty Crocker!  These brownies were A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!  They were super simple to make and bake.  Before making these, my favorite gluten-free brownie mixes were made by 1, 2, 3 Gluten-Free (super expensive ~ $10.00/mix) and Pamela’s (about half the price of the 1, 2, 3 Gluten-Free mix and $1.00 or so more than the Betty Crocker mix).  I served these brownies to 7 people total and every single one of them raved about them.  Comments like “You can’t even tell these are GF” and “These are better than regular brownies!” were flying around the room.  They were rich, chocolaty, fudgy and all the marvelous things a brownie should be.  I chose not to frost them this time because I wanted a true sample of the product.  Next time I might dust with powdered sugar or frost with my Mom’s famous (okay, maybe n0t famous, but the recipe from the Hershey’s Cocoa can) chocolate frosting recipe for extra goodness. 

All you need is 1 stick of butter and 2 eggs (oh, and the mix ;)).



Mix in a bowl.


Spread into your pan.


Bake & then cool.


Cut & enjoy!


If you haven’t tried these, seriously, get your hands on some soon & dive in!! 

Menu Plan ~ June 21, 2009

Summer is here!!  YAY!!!  Sure, it has felt like summer for a while, but according to the calendar, Summer is officially here.  🙂  This week starts some craziness.  Swimming lessons start today (I thought they started last week and actually took the kids!).  Baseball is in full swing, though Jon may have broken his wrist….he is going for an x-ray today.  He was playing catcher on Saturday & another player slid into him.  Mary’s surgery went well and she is at home recovering nicely.  Hope all the Dads out there had a great Father’s day!  We had Betty Crocker’s GF Brownies for dessert last night…they were TO.DIE.FOR!!  Review coming up soon!

Sunday ~ Herb Roasted Pork Loin, Rosemary Potatoes, Sauteed Asparagus, Steamed Broccoli & Salad (made over at Mary’s for Father’s Day)

Monday ~ grilled chicken, brown rice, steamed green beans & salad

Tuesday ~ Enchilada Bake, corn & salad (didn’t get to last week)

Wednesday ~ Stuffed Shells, steamed broccoli, & Salad

Thursday~ Mac & Cheese, baked beans, steamed veggies & salad (Kim out with friends)

Friday~ Salmon, Baked Potato/Sweet Potato, roasted carrots/zucchini & salad

Saturday~ Leftovers or homemade pizza (Bob’s Red Mill crust)

Baked Goods for the Week

Pamela’s Bread

Testing a new bread mix for a company that sent me a mix to sample (top secret ;))

Betty Crocker’s Devils Food Cake

Crepes from Pamela’s Baking Mix

Lilac Kitchen is hosting this week’s gluten-free menu swap.  Her featured ingredient is black currants.  I have never tried these, so I might have to seek some out this week & pay attention to the recipes! 

Don’t forget to check out Orgjunkie for lots of other menu planning fun & ideas!

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