Operation Beautiful

Caitlin over at Healthy Tipping Point has started a wonderful program this week.  It is called “Operation Beautiful“.  The idea is to end fat talk one anonymous post-it note at a time.  All you need to participate in Operation Beautiful is a pen and a piece of paper (tape or post-it note).  Write down a positive message and then leave the note posted on mirrors in bathrooms at the gym, grocery stores, work, really any public place.  I chose to write down this….”You are beautiful.  Don’t let anyone tell you any different” on my note.  I left my first note on the mirror in the bathroom at my sports med doctor today.  Hannah asked what I was doing with my camera & paper in the bathroom and I told her that I was hopefully making someone’s day a little brighter.  Funny part?  A lady walked in when I was taking the picture & gave me a strange look.  Hopefully she read the note when she came out of the stall to wash her hands. 

Here is my picture:



So, get your pen & paper & make someone’s day a little brighter. 

 If you want to join the mission, send Caitlin an e-mail at seebriderun@gmail.com with a photograph of your Operation Beautiful note or a description of your experience, and she will post it on her blog !  And feel free to spread the word on your blog as well!

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Asking for Positive Thoughts & Prayers

Today my Mother-in-Law, Mary is undergoing surgery on her ankle.  When we were all on vacation last week in North Carolina, she missed the last step coming down the stairs outside her beach house & fell.  She broke both of her ankles.  The left in 2 places and the right in 3.  She is having surgery on the right ankle this morning.  She has to be off her feet for 3 months.  This is going to be a long road to recovery, so she can use all the positive thoughts & prayers she can get. 

Get well soon, Mary.  We hope that you have a speedy recovery! 

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