Email Response from Libby’s Pumpkin

I emailed yesterday to see when we could expect to see the canned pumpkin back on the shelves.  Here is the response:


Dear Ms. Bouldin,

Thank you for contacting Libby’s® 100% Pure Pumpkin.

I am sorry that you are having a difficult time finding Libby’s Pumpkin. Due to unfavorable weather conditions last fall, some of the pumpkin did not meet our high quality standards. Therefore, our harvest was smaller than typical and you may have some difficulty finding Libby’s Pumpkin.
We are in the process of harvesting our pumpkins and you will be able to find it in all sizes within the next few weeks.

We appreciate your interest and hope you will visit our website often for the latest information on our products and promotions.


Tara Williams
Consumer Response Representative
Ref: N17000232


In the meantime, I have found canned pureed butternut squash & canned pureed sweet potato at Trader Joe’s.  Also, it would be much simpler to pureed baked or steamed sweet potato then a whole pumpkin.  For a fun experiment, I do plan on using a whole pumpkin for either a pie or some other pumpkin baked goods this fall.  I think the kids (ok, at least Hannah will care) will like it.  🙂



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7 Responses

  1. I KNEW it! I have been having such a hard time finding pumpkin puree, too! Thanks for being a little detective!

  2. I did find some of the big cans of pumpkin at Meijer. I picked up a bunch! 😀

  3. Kim I always roast my own pumpkins to make pies. It is easy to do, and it freezes beautifully and you control the ingredients.

    My brother won’t eat a pie that is not Libby’s pumpkin. WHat do they put in there? lol


    • I am going to experiment this year with roasting pumpkin & making my own!

      Too funny about your brother!

      BTW, I got your email & will respond in the AM. I can’t email out from the wi-fi I am on at gymnastics. Silly technology!

  4. […] at Fred Meyer, Wild Oats, or Zupans. A search online from someone that emailed Libby's revealed this response: […]

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