Buffalo Chicken Pizza with Bob’s Red Mill Crust

I sang the praises of Bob’s Red Mill Pizza Crust Mix a week or so ago in this post.   Imagine how fast I ran to the store when I found out it was on sale!  LOL!  I bought 2 cases of the stuff (8 mixes).  So, we enjoyed another fabulous pizza last night.



I made Jon’s the same way, though he wanted pepperoni, sadly I was out.  He had your basic marinara & extra cheese.  I got all fancy with mine.  I took a couple of chicken breast & sliced into strips & then marinated in some balsamic vinaigrette & lots of Frank’s Red Hot.  I tossed into a saute pan & cooked through.  Then I topped my side of the pizza with a tsp. or 2 of olive oil, fresh spinach leaves, sliced Roma tomatoes, the Buffalo chicken strips & some shredded provolone & mozzarella cheese.  YUM!!  Excellent pizza!  Thankfully we have leftovers slated for tonight….I can’t wait!!  🙂

One more shot….


9 Responses

  1. Oh my gosh! Your pizzas always look so amazingly delicious! You should freeze them and sell them!!! You’d make a fortune! 🙂

  2. I simply LOVE your blog 🙂 Your foodie posts and pictures are so vivid. I’m going to feature your pizza post soon and I look forward to trying this mix!

  3. Your pizza looks so good!!! I want a bite.

    If you have any shrimp recipes that’s the secret ingredient for tomorrow’s Friday Foodie Fix. Hope you can join in.

    • Thanks for the invite, Diane! I was kind of under the weather on Friday, so didn’t do a whole lot. I hope to join in this coming week, if I can. 🙂 Do you have the secret ingredient picked out yet?

  4. Looks awesome! We love bob’s crust too! (& getting used to the choc chip cookies…)
    Twizzlers snuck gluten by be this week. Twizzlers!

  5. I tried the Bob’s pizza mix and yes, you are 100% correct! It is awesome….I just posted about my new love 🙂

  6. […] out now.  It has quickly become one of our favorites here at home.  I especially like it Buffalo Chicken […]

  7. I would like to know more about some gluten-free products like snacks and ice cream as well as frozen non processed meal

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