Weekly Menu Plan ~ May 3, 2009

It is May, can you believe it?  Where has this year gone?  It is really hard to believe that we are almost half way through it.  We are ready to plant our flowers & veggies.  Hopefully this will happy on Mother’s Day or the following weekend.  I plan on planting tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini & green & red peppers for sure.  I would like to try strawberries or green beans, too, but aren’t sure we have the room.

I have some fun & exciting posts to share this coming week on my blog.  First, Jon made his first gluten-free French toast for breakfast the other day!  I was so proud of him.  I took pictures of his creation & will share.  Also, I have a few product reviews coming up.  Everything I have been sampling late has been really good, if not outstanding.  Gotta love that! 

Onto the menu.  Technically Tuesday is Cinco de Mayo and I normally do something Mexican on that day.  However, I have filet in my freezer that needs to be eaten and we just had tacos on Saturday, so maybe I will put out some chips & salsa or guacamole for an appetizer or make margaritas!  I could also make a Mexican spice rub for the filet.  Hmmmm?

Sunday ~ Spaghetti w/ Aaron’s special meatballs, green beans & salad

Monday ~ Salmon, brown rice, roasted asparagus & salad

Tuesday ~ Filet on the grill, baked sweet potatoes, sugar snap peas & salad

Wednesday ~ BBQ chix breasts, butternut squash fries, broccoli & salad

Thursday~ Breakfast for dinner

Friday~ Calzones, veggies & salad

Saturday~ Pork Loin Roast, Catholic potatoes, Creamy Fried Confetti Corn & Mixed greens salad. (We are having a large family get together at our house).

Baked Goods

Pistachio Cheesecake

Pamela’s Bread

Crusty Sorghum Loaf (from Shaunna’s book, Gluten-Free Girl)

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An Attitude of Gratitude

When I was first diagnosed with Celiac/gluten intolerance, I wondered how in the world I would ever be able to stay on a gluten-free diet.  I had so many mixed emotions running through my body.  On one hand I was looking forward to a very likely improvement in the way I was feeling by removing gluten from my diet.  On the other hand, I was terrified.  How on earth would I avoid all gluten?  How would I ever eat out or at other people’s houses and eat safely?  I remember dreading the first time I was eating out at a restaurant gluten-free.  It  was for my birthday.  (Yes, I was told on my 33rd b-day that I would have to avoid gluten for the rest of my life.)  I was so scared.  All ended up being fine, but I will never forget that feeling.  Another feeling I won’t forget is the one that was missing.  The feeling that was missing after 24 hours on the gluten-free diet was the feeling of pain & bloating.  The rumbling was gone.  I had come to think that all of those things were “normal”, as many with Celiac  Disease do before they are diagnosed.  That right there is enough for me to embrace the Celiac Disease & the gluten-free diet and be grateful that it is only a change in diet.  It doesn’t require life-long medications or surgeries.  When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade, and that is what I did.  I opened my mind (and stomach) to all kinds of new foods.  I was closing a chapter on gluten, but opening a brand new one on all of the fabulous gluten-free foods that are available out there (and there are sooooooo many!).  Just recently I have tried steamed buckwheat in place of brown rice and love it!  It is higher in protein & fiber, too!  Millet is next on my list to sub in for brown rice.  Quinoa is now a staple in my house.  Veggies?  Love them and have at least 2 salads/day and 1-2 side with each meal.  I can’t get enough.  I have learned so much about cooking & baking and am anxious to learn so much more.  I was not going to sit & wallow in misery when I could be enjoying all kinds of new tastes & textures.  Yes, there were some flops along the way and I am sure there are more to come, but such is life.  Nothing is perfect in the world of gluten or gluten-free. 

The reason I’m writing about this topic today is because Linda at The Gluten-Free Homemaker has nominated me for the Attitude of Gratitude Award. Thanks Linda!

I have chosen to nominate 10 gluten-free bloggers.  These people have such a positive influence on the community & contribute so much, whether it be recipes, knowledge, support or passing along valuable information on products that are either safe or not safe for the gluten-free community.  Here are the 10 that I am nominating, in no particular order:

  • Carrie at Ginger Lemon Girl.  Carrie contributes so much to the gluten-free community.  Her recipes are easy to follow and amazing.  I use her GF Master mix for several things (pancakes & Red Lobster-like cheddar biscuits).  She also makes a darn good Everyday Chocolate Cake. 
  • Erin at Gluten Free with a Purpose.  Erin has amazingly creative & yummy gluten-free recipes on her blog.  I am SO looking forward to trying the dessert nachos she posted earlier this month! 
  • Kerrie at Gluten Free in the Shaolin.  Kerrie has a wealth of information on her blog ranging from product & restaurant reviews to recipes to community events. 
  • Jill at Hey That Tastes Good.  Jill always has the most amazing pictures of her creations!  I swear that I can almost taste the food by reading her blog.  She definitely inspires me to cook & be more creative.
  • Sea at Book of Yum.  Sea’s blog title says it all, “YUM!”  Amazing pictures & recipes and tons of gluten-free info.
  • Lisa at Lisa’s Blogety Blog.  Lisa does great product reviews and did a great “Clean out the Freezer Challenge” earlier this year!  FUN!
  • Stacey at More Gluten-Free Options.  Stacey has lots of restaurant reviews on her blog.  What a wonderful resource!
  • Jenny at Sugar and Spice and my Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Life.  Jenny has lots of information on healthy eating both gluten & casein-free. 
  • Alison at Sure Foods Living.  Alison has so much wonderful information & advice for following the gluten-free diet on her site. 
  • Veggie Girl.  VG has some amazing gluten-free & vegan recipes.  Her extremely creative blondies have really inspired me to think out of the box.

Your instructions are:

  • put the logo on your blog or post
  • nominate at least 10 blogs that show an an attitude of gratitude
  • link to your nominees within your post
  • comment on their blogs to let them know they’ve received this award
  • share the love and link to this post and the person who nominated you for the award
  • tell us how you’ve come to have an attitude of gratitude



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