Review: PerkyO’s Apple Cinnamon Cereal

Since I am still recovering you will see a lot more product reviews and a lot less cooking/baking from me for a short while. Part of this is because I am supposed to be taking it easy, the other part is because we received a very generous gluten-free care package from some friends and there are all kinds of gluten-free products to try and review in it!

Today I am going to review PerkyO’s Apple Cinnamon Cereal. This cereal is supposed to be similar to Cheerios. It has been so long since I have had Cheerios that I can’t honestly say if they taste anything like them or not. I can tell you that the PerkyO’s are very good. Not only do I like them, but Jon LOVES them! He begged for another box at the store yesterday. They are made from whole grain sorghum and have a nice apple cinnamon flavor. They are gluten and NUT free and vegan, too boot! They have 140 calories per 3/4 cup with 2 grams of fiber and 7 grams of sugar. I was also impressed by some of the vitamin stats….Calcium 30% of the RDA, Iron 20% of the RDA. While they are priced a little high in the local store I frequent ($4.99/box), they are very good and a nice, healthy treat.