Febreeze Product Review & a Giveaway!!

I was lucky enough to receive a great kit to review by Febreeze Home Collection and MyBlogSpark.  I love fun new scents, so I was especially excited to review this kit.  Giveaway information is down past the review. 🙂


I received the following products:

  • Green Tea & Citrus Flameless Luminary and three refill shades (Pomegranate Mango, Cranberry Pear & Willow Blossom), to let a flickering light shine through to accent your room with scent and style. 
  • Green Tea & Citrus Soy Blend Candle, which has a soft glow and releases the premium fragrance into the air as the candle slowly burns
  • Green Tea & Citrus Room Spray, available in an easy, yet stylish spray canister
  • Green Tea & Citrus Diffuser, to add a stylish and aromatic touch to the air with scented oils

I loved the idea of the flameless luminary because I have young kids or really, just kids in general who don’t always pay attention.  I can get the same effect as a lit, flickering candle without the danger of someone getting burnt or my house burning down.  😉  The Green Tea & Citrus scent is nice, but I prefer the Cranberry Pear. 


The candle emits a nice amount of scent, but it not overpowering.  It seemed to burn evenly each time I lit it.  I like the decorative glass & wooden lid that comes with the candle.  You can use the lid as a base as well.


The room spray is a bit overpowering at first, but definitely helps rid the area of any odor that was there.  I am thinking about using this for Jon’s hockey bag, though I am not sure he will appreciate that.  LOL!  One thing I did like is that you don’t have to spray a whole lot to get the effect you are looking for. 


I placed the reed diffuser in our bedroom.  I don’t like to light candles in the bedroom because I am afraid I will fall asleep with them lit.  I also haven’t had much luck with the plug-ins, as the scent seems to disappear after a couple of days.  I was happy with this reed diffuser.  The scent is not overpowering & is subtle enough to be able to tell there is a pleasant scent present. The one thing I didn’t like was that wooden lid doesn’t really attach to the glass….it just sits on top of the glass.  This could be a potential hazard for those with kids.  I made sure to put mine out of reach of the ones who don’t know better. 


Now for the fun part!  Are you ready????  Febreeze & MyBlogSpark have given me a $20 Walmart gift card to give away!  All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and tell me how you would use the Febreeze Home Collection to spruce up a room (or hockey bag 😉 ).  This contest will end Wednesday, October 6, 2009 at midnight! I will choose a winner first thing on Thursday morning.  You can find coupons for Febreeze products here.



25 Responses

  1. I would use it to freshen up our motor home…yippee!

  2. My bedroom!
    Somehow, even with sleeping with open window, the smell of my honey’s combat boots seems to overcome the fresh air LOL!!

  3. I would use it to make my home smell like tantalizing fruit scents 🙂

  4. We have 4 dogs…do I need to say anything else???

  5. I would use it in my bedroom and bathroom, especially since I just got a kitten and do not want to smell litter!

  6. There are four boys in my house if you include the dogs, 🙂 I need as much help as I can get! By the way, I enjoy reading your blog!

  7. The pomegranate mango sounds devine. I would definitely put it next to our front door. I’m always desperately trying to cover up the scent wafting from the hubby’s running shoes… it’s potent!

  8. I would use the cranberry pear scent to freshen up our guestroom.

  9. The willow blossom would be nice to take away the diaper smell in our baby’s room.

  10. oh, we are in the middle of selling our home. I’d use it to make our house smell fresh and lovely for potential buyers.

  11. I’d use them in the living room, bedroom and guest room!

  12. i would use it in the living room to give a warm feeling when entering the house

  13. I’d put one right here in my little office to freshen it up 24/7. We redid this room when our daughter went to college, her room is now mine.

  14. I’d Love to have the reed diffuser for our den=) Our den is the local teen hangout & family gathering spot!
    ~Thanks for the chance~

  15. I would use this in my beautiful great room. It would make it smell so good.

  16. I would use it in the kids bathroom –with 3 teens sharing a bathroom –it always smells musty—someone always leaves a wet towel on the floor–thanks for the chance to win.

  17. I think this kit will be perfect for the bathroom. We all know the bathroom needs a little freshen up after ever usage, right? Gives me an excuse to stay in there longer.

  18. I just moved in to my fiance’s home because I lost my job and he has dogs who have been sleeping with him for about 6 years, so you can only imagine what the bedroom smells like, its carpeted and has 2 upholstered chairs. I have been trying to remedy the problem to no avail, so I thought about getting a reed diffuser, and Willow Blossom would probably be the perfect scent. I would get the entire line because the room needs tons of help, do they have a carpet powder too I wonder? Thanks for sending this, in the nick of time too!

  19. I’d put it on the table in our foyer to keep the entrance smelling nice

  20. I would use the flameless luminary in my living room. I love that it’s safer than a candle around my little ones.

  21. I would use it to spruce up my bedroom 😉

  22. I just moved into a new place, and I’d use it in my office (where the litter box has found its home). 🙂

  23. I would use it in the living room.

  24. I’d love this on my desk, ahhhh, I can smell the peace!

  25. Bedroom!!! SO Stinks when he sleeps so we could really use this!!

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